Friday, July 30, 2010

Farwell Drive Traffic Problems Today

OK.....First, I must apologize for Farwell Drive being such a mess today and virtually unpassable in the 500 block. Let me briefly explain what happened.

Late Thursday afternoon, we learned that KS Energy who is working on the undergrounding of utilities on Farwell, had bored into the sanitary sewer on Farwell. In short, there was so much damage to that line that today, we had to have an emergency repair of that sanitary line. Thursday night, we were able to stabilize the line until morning, but it had to be fixed today. This made the 500 block of Farwell extremely busy with contractors and the road was filled with dirt, machines, and other stuff we dont need to talk about. As I write this shortly after 5p, they are finishing that work and retro fitting a storm line they had to move to fix the sanitary line.

Yet this weekend, I will give a more detailed update on the upper bluff construction. You will want to come back and read that because alot of progress was made this week so that early next week (Monday), we anticipate some curb and driveway work to take place. Come back and get more details this weekend!!!


  1. Thank you for your update. Although we're all experiencing some inconvenience from the construction your daily blog really helps to ease any tension. We truly appreciate your extra effort to keep us informed.
    Meg Weaver 731 Farwell
