Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3; 4/7/10

Rain Rain Go Away......

I may regret mentioning this...but....Did you know that you can reply to a Blog posting, or, ask a question if you have a need for specific information?? Take a closer look at the bottom of each posting and you should be able to find the tools to accomplish that task. I do look to see if there are comments or questions. I have had some in the past, but none too recently.

Several more streets had the road surfaced pulverized today. The pulverizer has left materials in the road and then they were rolled for compaction. So even with the rain, the roads have not been too bad to drive on.

Earlier today a neighbor mentioned that there were a few storm inlets that were not protected with the fiber material. This material prevents dirt, rocks or similar materials from going into the storm system. This is another environmental friendly used to protect our lakes. As a side note, the Village and our contractor are working to use the best practices to protect our environment. Reusing materials when and where we can is both environmentally friendly and in many cases is cost effective. One such example is the stripping of top soil for later re-use.


  1. Tim
    A question.
    Was wondering about being able to extend driveway pavement to the curb at 413 Kensington to prevent mud puddles when our second car goes in and out of the driveway.

  2. Hi Mike, The plan is that when the new road is reconstructed, there will be a storm water flow line established using the raised edge of the road.
    All driveway's will be extended to meet up with the road/raised edge (curb line).
    When I get back into the office, I will review the plans with the engineer and if I see or hear something different, I will let you know. Timk

  3. Hi Again Mike.
    As I went back to read this closer, I think I may have misinterpreted what you meant. Do you currently have an additional parking area up near your garage that you want to extend to the street? If so, let me get over to look at what you have. Municipal Ordinance limits the width of a driveway; but, I want to come take a look, measure, and re-read the ordinance again. Timk
