Friday, April 30, 2010

DAY 25; Thursday 4/29

We had a construction meeting this morning (Thursday) and we discussed with the Contractor about notices to residents when driveways were going to be blocked. We had a few examples where people were not notified as trucks and construction moved in front of their driveways. However, if you find yourself in your house, do not hesitate to walk out and ask one of the crew to assist you in getting out. They will make a path and guide you out.

Work consisted of more services on Kensington and they have progressed to the Cambridge/Woodland Circle intersection.

There may on occasion be unforseen shut off of water. Ideally those will only be for a short duration.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 24; Wow, now THAT is a Big Hole!!

Today sure seemed as if there was just work and progress being made everywhere.

The Storm pipes were completed in the 400 block of Kensington, so that crew joined another crew working on installation of services in the 300 block. They are trying to get far enough down the block with residential services so that one of the crews can go back and start progress on the storm system heading south on Kensington.

So, this is where that BIG HOLE came in to play today. Let me first explain the process. In front of each home, is a water line that connects the home to the water main. There is also a water shut off valve that allows the Village to shut off water to individual homes if needed. Each home in the project zone will have that water shut off valve replaced with a new one as they are connected to the new main.

In the 300 block of Kensington today, one of the old water shut off vales was in a path that took it under some very important root structures of a fairly large and substantial tree. In order to save that root structure, the crew conducting the service connections had to create a new path to get connected to the home's water service line. To accomplish this route, a substantial hole into the front lawn of one of the homes was needed. And let me tell you, it was a BIG hole.....I've never seen a residential water connection need such a large trench to get a good connection. Now, it really was not bigger than big holes in the street, but into the front lawn of a home...that was big!!

While still thinking about this aspect of the project, renewal of the grass surfaces that are disturbed will be completed with grass seed. In 2005, we used sod to renew surfaces, but what we found was that sod was not as durable as grass seed would be. In several cases, homeowners did not take ownership of the new sod and it died and caused much re-work. Grass seed allows for a bit less care and really in the long run, becomes a better surface.

Elsewhere in the Village, Water main intallation continued down Kensington into the 200 block south of Oxford. I did not make it down there at the end of the day to see how far they ended up.

Also, the road crew rebuilding Fisk completed that street and they moved over to the 400 block of Kensington and was getting some rock installed there. I also did not get down there at the end of the day to be able to give you a full report of where they ended up.

Once the service connections are far enough down Kensington, the crew working storm sewer installation will go back and pick that up in the interseciton of Kensington, Fisk and Woodland circle. So far, the new storm goes down Fisk from Lakewood, turns and goes north into the 400 block of Kensington where it ends. We are working to begin installation southbound on Kensington, south of the Fisk intersection. They also need to get across Lakewood and install over to the Lake outfall. We need to wait until the DNR issues our permit after May 3rd to do that work.

Here is an update I sent to a resident on the upper bluff construction status...:

We are still in a DNR/State Historical Society imposed delay for the upper bluff and for the MBCC pond project. Also, we are still in a 30 day waiting period for our permit to be issued for the beach storm outfall. That beach outfall will be/should be issued next week.

The consultant we have hired for the burial issues has been authorized by the DNR and Historical Society to do exploratory digs in the upper bluff where needed and we will be taking core samples from the pond site that will analyzed. Once information/data is collected from those exercises, reports will be furnished to the DNR and Historical Society to hopefully convince them that we are OK to construct. My optimistic estimate is that we are probably still 4 weeks away from getting those permits issued to begin work in the upper bluff.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 23; Water off Water On

Many of you in the lower bluff were without water today as new connections were again made. The specific connection/tie-in was at the Oxford/Kensington intersection. That connection went well today and water was restored by late afternoon.

Many of you trying to gain access to the Village via Oxford (near the Village Center) are finding that intersection completely blocked. That will not change any time soon. Access into or out of the the Village will need to be made via Roxbury or Lakewood. If you are trying to get into the Village Center, then you can enter the Village via Oxford.

The completion of the tie in work has now allowed pipe crews to continue with water main installation south past Oxford on Kensington. I think they were only able to get a couple "sticks" (A stick is a 20' section of water main) south of Oxford today, but tomorrow, they should make good progress again. With good progress the next couple days, they could make it to Roxbury by the end of the week!!

Further north on Kensington, the storm system structures in the Kensington/Northern Woodland Circle intersection were put in place today. Additional storm work will be completed in this area so that the road crew can begin the road rebuild process in the 400 block of Kensington. That storm crew will then continue their work with the storm system into the 300 block of Kensington.

All of the homes in the 400 block of Kensington and several homes moving southbound in the 300 block of Kensington are now receiving water from the new water main system. An additonal crew will be in the Village starting on Wednesday to keep making those residential connections.

Each of these crews are completing alot of work each day so progress is pretty swift. Watch for a crew coming to the street near you!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 22; Rain & Road Construction.....

...really dont go very well together. It was a tough weekend with all of the rain, and specifically for those residents in the 300 Block of Kensington. The rain played havoc with their weekend plans and ability to enjoy the freedom of movement.

We talked with the Contractor today about some changes to the maintenance of the roadways to allow local traffic better and more assured access, especially during rain events. That said, the reality is that we may not be able to control all of the extraeneous environmental factors like the weather.

In work today, crews continued making the residential service connections. They are now in the 300 block of Kensington. Road crews spent a portion of the morning/day working to get roads passable again. The objective is to have Fisk Place and the 400 Block of Kensington, rocked and road prepped ready by the end of the week. The additional crew comes into town tomorrow so we will continued progress on water main in the 200 block of Kensington.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 19

Fisk reconstruction began. As a reminder, this reconstruction will only include the rock base to the road.
On the 400 block of Kensington, homes had their water services renewed to the new main.
There was no water main work completed as anticipated at the Oxford intersection. Instead, the pipe crew in Village worked on the water services.
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 18

The water main crew on Kensington appeared poised to reach the intersection with Oxford Place by days end. As of late afternoon, we did not expect them to break into the intersection simply because of the complications that intersections bring.

If you have some time when the crews are going past your home, take the opportunity to watch them at work. The heavy machine operators are uniquely skilled and capable of alot of finese work with such large equipment. The crew members excell at their duties as well. Imagine a water service line to a house, a gas line service to a house both cutting perpendicular to the path you want to take, yet, they dig around those obstructions with such precision to be laying a new water main within a 1/4 and 1/2 inch of the proper elevation. Nothing short of amazing.

In addition to the water main work on Kensington, the other crew today worked on laying water main in both directions off Kensington in Woodland Circle and into Cambridge. By late afternoon, that crew was back down at Fisk place continuing the storm sewer installation. That work was delayed while waiting for the proper 45-degree pipe to be built and delivered. But, it arrived this afternoon and they were able to continue with their storm sewer installation.

OK, now some good news for those of you on Fisk Place. The Road Crew is going to start on the rehabilitation of Fisk Place. Just so you understand, this does NOT mean pavement. However, they will be building the road as close to pavement ready as they can. Pavement will still not be coming until June.
Also coming next week for those of you in the 400 block of Kensington will be sewer main and individual residences being reinstated to the new water main.

The next segment of water main from the mid 300 block, up to Cambridge/Woodland Circle was also filled with water. They still need to get heir clean water tests yet on this section.

One more day of work upcoming. One crew left today. The other water main crew will break into Oxford Place tomorrow and then continue into the 200 block south of Oxford. This means that inbound traffic on Oxford will really have no place to go except to turn around and leave the Village and make entry at another point. For Friday, dont anticipate being able to enter the Village via Oxford.

Day 17; Wed 4/21

On Wednesday, crews worked in the areas predicted. Storm sewer crew on Fisk was able to make connections to the new storm line by adding inlets and pipe extensions where needed.
The water main crew had a challenging exercise navigating through the Kensington intersection with Cambridge and Woodland Circle. Part of what makes this intersection difficult to navigate is the amount of services that are within the intersection. Multiple combinations of existing water main, storm line and sanitary sewer, and each of them merging with connections or coming in from different directions, makes it difficult to install new services like a water main. We also need to save room for that large storm pipe to come through this intersection yet!! In short, we are using virtually all of the underground capacity of the roadway. Remember, the old "stuff" like water mains, will be abandoned in place. Many years from now (like 75+) when these projects have to be done again, they will need to really clean house underground!!
On Thursday, look for water main to continue into the 200 block and possibly storm sewer in the 300 block of Kensington.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 16; A Day of Good Progress!!

The water main pipe crew was able to install approximately 250 feet of pipe today!! That is great progress. They are just slightly north of the Kensington/Cambridge/Woodland Circle intersection. Early tomorrow, they will be starting with a new hydrant installation and then continuing south from there into the 200 Block.
The storm sewer pipe crew made good progress today as well, basically cover the other half of the block of Fisk Place. For tomorrow, they will be doing additional work at the storm inlet locations on Fisk. This is alot of small, tedious work to complete that storm system.
Please continue to adhere to the efforts to avoid the work zones. Residents have found difficult travels during the work day when the crews have not yet graded or smoothed out the roadway.
For those residents in the 300 block of Kensington Drive or on Woodland Circle, your best ingress/egress tomorrow may be through the MBCC parking lot and out the drive going to Lakewood. Good Luck!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 15;

A good question was raised over the weekend after one resident reported "Cloudy Water". First, cloudy water is often an indication of small air bubbles in the water/system. If you recall, a water shut down took place last week and the system was drained to relieve pressure on the pipes/system. When the system was refilled, inevitably, there will be air bubbles, even though care is taken to bleed the system of as much of that air as possible.
If you have cloudy water, fill a glass with that water and give it several minutes to sit idle. Those air bubbles should dissipate and the water will return to it's normal clear appearance.
Both Friday and Monday, water main progress continued southbound on Kensington Drive. Late Monday afternoon, the pipe crew was at or near 317 Kenington Drive. Village crew was also working to begin filling the first segment of new water main. We are far from using that new system as there still needs to be purification of the system and two clean tests, but this is a good sign of progress. On Tuesday, a water main crew will continue southbound from that location; they should reach and get past the intersection with Cambridge/Woodland Circle.
Also on Tuesday, the other pipe crew will arrive back in the Village and we anticipate that they will resume working on storm sewer on Fisk Place. There was a delay while waiting for the other utilities (electric, cable and phone) to bury a service line under the new storm line.
Many of you watching the DNR related holds on place for the Upper Bluff and the storm water pond near the MBCC will be interested to know that the Villages' consultant will soon be taking some action within those sites to further our clearing of those delays. These actions have been awaiting approval and will include test digs and taking of core samples.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 11;

So, I reported yesterday of the water needing to be shut off in a few areas of the construction zone. Notice was given to that area last night, either in person or a note was left at the home.

Well, let me tell ya, the best intentions never quite work out. There is a reason why these infrastructure systems are being replaced. About mid morning, as the water is getting shut off, it was recognized that several of the valves that needed to be closed to isolate and turn off the designated area, did not close properly or all the way. This meant that crew members had to move to other valves to actually get the system shut off appropriately.
Unfortunately, this caused additional homes, not anticipated to be in the "shut off zone", to, well, have their water shut off as well...... As all of this is taking place in the field, Village Center office staff were taking the calls. We apologize for the lack of notice for those who suddenly found their property without water. That was unanticipated and will likely change how we notify residents next time..
Once again there was some good progress made today. A lateral tie in to the Kensington water main were made down both Fisk and the northern Woodland Circle. Additional water main continued down Kensington deeper into the 300 block.
One pipe crew left to go back home today (each crew works a 4 day work week--10-12hr days). So, the remaining pipe crew will continue with water main on Kensington Drive tomorrow (Friday).
We continue to get an abundance of non-local traffic trying to make it through the work zones. Please, unless you need to get directly to your home, find a route around the work zones. And share those directions with friends who may be coming to visit.
MG&E is still finishing their relocation of some of their facilities which are on Lakewood, near Fisk. That has kept Lakewood Blvd traffic attentive as they drive through that area.
We are hoping for a productive Friday that may allow for the filling of the first sections of the new water main. There are then two clean bacteria tests that must be accomplished and then, the crews will begin attaching homes to the new main. This of course is the short version of where we are heading in fairly short order. So, stay tuned and we will keep working.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day Ten; Water to be Shut off Thursday Morning

After a rough start to the week, I have alot of positive energy regarding todays work and the momentum that is picking up.

I must first let you know of a Water Shut off period scheduled for Thursday, 4/15. The areas to be affected include:
  • 300 and 400 Block of Kensington
  • Fisk Place
  • A segment ofWoodland Circle

The contractor was going door to door tonight to inform residents directly affected by this water disruption for tomorrow morning. If you were not home, they were going to be leaving a written notice. We apologize for the inconvenience, but necessary evils in the course of construction.

Thursday will be continued work on Kensington Water Main and Fisk Storm Sewer. The Fisk Storm line had a slight redirection this morning as the contractor had to pull out two segments due to unplanned conflicts with their route. Those segments were re-laid and progress continued. They are almost at the half way point of the Fisk block. On Kensington Water Main, they have progressed to the intersection of Fisk/Kensington.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 9; Progress

The schedule for the construction company is that one pipe crew works Mon-Thur; another works Tues-Fri. This will always keep a crew in Village and progress will continue. Our Construction company, A-1 is from outside of the Madison area so their crews are staying over night in a local hotel.

Anyway, we had two pipe crews today working. The focus for ater main continued on the 400 block of Kensington; the other crew was working on Storm Sewer installation on Fisk Place at Lakewood Blvd.

For those persons who thought about trying to get through these areas, they soon found sections of road completely impassable. In trying to understand their work operations, I think you should plan that if/when they are in a specific area, we may find that route completely impassable. You may be able to drive up real close to where they are working, but you may not be able to get through.

That said, traffic signs indicate "No Thru Traffic"; yet, I ran into several drivers today who were trying to take Kensington to Fisk Place to go into the Upper Bluff, and another person trying to access the MBCC via Kensington. As they got close enough, they were soon turning around to go back. Save yourself the hassle and stay away from the active work zones.

For tomorrow, I think you can expect similar work. Water main coming down Kensington is approaching the Woodland Circle/Fisk Place intersection. Sewer main is still coning down Fisk, not far from Lakewood. Anticipate both of those areas being virtually impassable for tomorrow.

Garage Sale Cancelled for 2010

Good Morning.

In consideration of our street and utility projects, the Village organized Garage Sale for 2010 has been cancelled. This was a joint decision between myself and the organizer. The Garage Sale will resume in 2011. Timk

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 8; water water water

Well, lets see, it's Monday and time for some water. Except, for our construction project today, it was not a water problem from rain. Instead, before the first new section of water main was layed on Kensington Dr., a valve gave way on the existing main which in essence, opened a water main into the excavated hole for the new pipe to be placed. It did not take long for water pouring in from a 6" main at 90psi to fill the excavated hole and the surrounding area with water.

For those residents in the 400 block of Kensington, it is awfully wet down in your block right now and may not be passable yet today. Also, for some residents on Kensington and Woodland Circle, you may find yourself without water for a period of time yet this afternoon.

The good news is that the problem was repaired and the crews were able to continue with their installation. As I left the site within the past twenty minutes (now 3:20pm), the first section of new water main was about to be placed. I believe water will be turned on within the next hour or two.

CAUTION: for those who are driving northbound on Lakewood near the Beach. MG&E arrived in Village today to move a gas line that is in conflict with the location of our new storm sewer. On Lakewood just past Fisk Place, MG&E still has alot of equipment and their project appears not to be completed. There is a fence surrounding an excavated hole where they were working. Please be wary of this area. There is enough room for you to get past this work site and stay in your lane. Just drive cautiously. By the way, MG&E's excavated hole is full of water as well; I think there's is groundwater.

Friday, April 9, 2010

4/9/10; Day 5 Misc Info/Bus Info

Sure enough, the rain went away and in comes some snow....I guess it is true, be careful what you wish for.....

At the end of the week there was a bit more work completed. All road pavement was removed in the Lower Bluff. Most of the pavement that was taken off, was taken away on Fisk and Kensington. Bright and early Monday, we anticipate two pipe crews working. One laying storm line on Fisk Place, starting at Lakewood. The other pipe crew starting to lay water main on Kensington at the entrance to the MBCC.

Anticipate that these crews will lay several hundred feet of pipe per day unless they run into problems.

There has been a change to School Bus Pick up and Drop of Locations. Families affected should have already been notified by the school. In short, all of the pick-up and drop off spots have been moved onto Lakewood Blvd.

This change will affect the pedestrian flow of kids making their way to their bus stops. PLEASE, PLEASE be aware of this change as you drive through the Village.

The Village has made ONE CHANGE to accomodate this change in Pedestrian/Student traffic flow. That change is the addition of a STOP SIGN for traffic on NEW CASTLE approaching Lakewood Blvd.

There will now be a a school bus pick up right at that intersection. Students may end up on either side of the road as they walk to the bus stop or as they are waiting for the bus. The STOP SIGN is intended to cause vehicular traffic to stop and identify if there any children or other pedestrians nearby. This change is for safety reasons.

Finally, we appreciate your patience through this first week and we look forward to swift movement through the Lower Bluff. Remember that this area is scheduled to be paved by mid-June!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 3; 4/7/10

Rain Rain Go Away......

I may regret mentioning this...but....Did you know that you can reply to a Blog posting, or, ask a question if you have a need for specific information?? Take a closer look at the bottom of each posting and you should be able to find the tools to accomplish that task. I do look to see if there are comments or questions. I have had some in the past, but none too recently.

Several more streets had the road surfaced pulverized today. The pulverizer has left materials in the road and then they were rolled for compaction. So even with the rain, the roads have not been too bad to drive on.

Earlier today a neighbor mentioned that there were a few storm inlets that were not protected with the fiber material. This material prevents dirt, rocks or similar materials from going into the storm system. This is another environmental friendly used to protect our lakes. As a side note, the Village and our contractor are working to use the best practices to protect our environment. Reusing materials when and where we can is both environmentally friendly and in many cases is cost effective. One such example is the stripping of top soil for later re-use.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 2; 4/6/2010

Not alot of work today due to the heavy rain overnight and into the morning. A bit more asphalt was taken off of Kensington. They will continue that process for the balance of the week in the lower bluff. If you live on Woodland Circle, Roxbury, or Cambridge, be patient, they will get there soon!!

With rain expected yet again tonight, we are not expecting any pipe installation to take place this week.

I have heard several positive comments from neighbors who have encountered some brief access issues but those were quickly remedied by construction crews. If you experience something different, please let me know.

As an aside, a neighbor in the Kensington Drive area today observed some young children walking with their parents and the kids were carrying marking flags which had apparently been pulled from their designated locations. Please be sure to maintain the integrity of any marking flags, wood/lattice or similar posts, etc. Those markings have specific meanings and may be a safety or security indicator for construction and engineering crews.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 1; Monday 4/5

Well, today went about as expected. Pavement has been removed from several streets throughout the lower bluff. Fisk Place and several blocks of Kensington specifically. Because of the depth of the pavement on some streets (they had many many layers of overlay through the years), it took a bit longer than expected.
In addition to pavement being removed, top soil was removed to allow for it's re-use during rehab.
Rain is anticipated over the next couple days so the contractor had to lower inlets on those streets that lost pavement. As you see, weather becomes critical and the continued functioning of the systems during a rain event are important as well. If we get an inch or two of rain and the pavement is gone, the rain water will not drain, creating lakes/puddles of water.
With the forecast of rain, you may see limited progress; that applies for the next couple days, but throughout the summer. Rain makes the work zones too sloppy to work.
Access should be made completely available very soon as the contractor is winding down for the day (5:50p). Earlier today, I saw a few neighbors who needed to get in/out of driveways; the contractor was very accomodating to assist them. We like this attitude and approach by the contractor. For residents, be patient and be sure to plan if there is work being conducted directly around your property.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Construction Begins Monday!!


Maple Bluff’s 2010 Capital Improvement Projects break ground this coming Monday, April 5th.

There are two starting points:
1) A storm sewer replacement from the Beach Park along Fisk Place to Kensington Dr.
2) Water main replacement will begin on the 400 block of Kensington Dr. and the MBCC parking lot and continue to the intersection of Roxbury/Kensington.

The western block of Roxbury, 100 block of Cambridge and all of Woodland will soon follow. This southern portion (Lower Bluff) of the 2010 CIP should be nearing completion sometime in June.

When the Village obtains the necessary DNR permits, the northern portion of the 2010 CIP will begin. These areas are as follows:
Farwell Dr. (Lakewood thru the 800 block);

Summit Rd. (Butternut to Farwell)

Magdeline Dr;

McBride Rd.;

New Castle (Lakewood to Kings Way)

Charing Cross (New Castle to Laurel Ln)

This project will address water main, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, street reconstruction. There will be burial of overhead utilities on Farwell from Lakewood to Butternut (south end) and some gas line replacement in the 600-700 blocks of Farwell as well.

The contractor, A-1 Construction, has been mobilizing their equipment in preparation of next week’s start. As you can see, the excavators are very tall. We have and will continue as necessary, to provide clearance pruning on street trees to minimize potential damage during the project.

Trash and Recycle collection will begin at 6:30 am on your collection day so as to minimize conflicts in the active work zones. Please have trash and recycle out extra early.

Yard waste and brush collection will be suspended in the active work zones until opportunity allows for our collection equipment.

Use caution as a pedestrian and as a motorist. Everyone should have access to and from your home during this project. There will likely be times when delays or limitations will occur when excavations are taking place at or near your home.

Thank You for your patience and understanding …

Tom Schroeder
Director of Public Works