Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Maiden Voyage!!!

Good Morning Maple Bluff.

I hope this writing finds you in good health.

This will be the maiden voyage of the Maple Bluff News & Information Blog. First, my thanks to Robert Godfrey for pointing me in this direction. I have been toying with this option for quite a while and looking for the best way to incorporate this blog into the Village Website. Finally, after a conversation today, I just had to get it done. Robert was correct, this took no time to get going. Thanks Robert.....now I just need to establish this as a regular task I complete!!!

As many of you know, I have been sending emails out to residents who have requested to be on the recipients list. I have experienced many problems with that email communication system over the years but we toiled through.
Let me describe a few of those problems. First, I had 4 different hotmail email accounts each filled with 4 Groups of up to 25 emails each.....I had somewhere around 350 email addresses.!! When I first set up that system, I could only send to 25 email addresses; and, hotmail also had a limit on the number of emails you could send in a day which was why I had to set up 4 different accounts with the use of those groups. I once lost an entire group as well....I recreated some of those emails but I lost quite a few as well. Another problem I have been having recently with the emails is that CHARTER WILL NOT DELIVER MY EMAILS!!! For those of you with a Charter email, my apologies if you have not been getting emails---they were bouncing back as undeliverable. I worked with a couple residents to try to get them to work, it seemed however that more did not work than those that did.
Finally, the last issue I continued to have with the emails was that people would respond to those emails and not to my regular email address....so I would get requests for things that I did not get for many days and sometimes weeks....and that bothered me as I felt very unresponsive. I will continue to send emails for the time being until we reach the point of termination.

So, what information will I be posting on this site?? Well, I anticipate a free flowing discussion of information and news related to the Village. Crime stats and discussions. Public Works News, Rec News, Meetings. For example, I have had requests in the past for meeting information both the date and time for meetings, but also agenda items. Let me give you some examples of meetings for tonight, July 14th.

3 projects on the agenda including:
  • Picket Fence at 438 N Sherman
  • Front Entrance Remodel at 159 Lakewood
  • Sunroom window convert to french door at 840 Butternut

Please note that this is a special early time for the Village Board to meet tonight as they will convene as the Assessment Board of Review at 7pm and need to stay in session for 2 hours. They will conduct hearings with property owners who are contesting their property valuation.
After the hearings are completed, their regular agenda will include:
  • Traffic Safety Concerns on Bayside Drive
  • Amendment to Municipal Ordinance 166-11 related to the placement of PODS on properties. This ordinance will limit the number of days that a POD can be on a property.
  • Park/Rec is requesting release of Bocce funds ($4000)for the Kayak/Canoe Sharing program and $500 to match a donation for new basketball Backboards McBride Park.
  • The Marina Park concept will be discussed and acted upon
  • There will also be an action item onthe placement of temporary speed bumps at the Beach.
  • In addition, there will be updates and reports from other village committees and staff members.

Also this evening, between Building Board and Village Board, there will be a meeting between representatives of the Village and the Maple Bluff Country Club as we work out details on a Storm Water project. This is not an open/public meeting.

Later this week on Thursday, the Rec Department is taking a field trip to Lambeau Field for 16-20 kids. What an exciting trip as they will tour the Hall of Fame, the stadium to include thelocker room, make a walk down the tunnel and out onto the field and then, there is some "Special Surprise" that the team has not even disclosed to Curt, the Rec Director yet. To me, that means that they dont know what it is yet either!! But, I am sure it will be cool for the kids!!

I need to move on other tasks; please enjoy this "blog" and come back regularly for more Village News and Information.


  1. Good job Tim, looks great. See, not so hard. Robert

  2. Thanks for make this jump to blogging. Anything to reduce the number of e-mails is a plus. MJ

  3. Tim,
    I like this method of communicating and wish you the best of luck in getting this thing off the ground.
    Bob and Dianne Gomez

  4. I think this is great, much better than emails... I have a question, what's in store for the recently vacated and now torn up gas station on North Sherman? (Was is a Super America gas station?) I see lots of construction and I'm curious if anyone knows what's going on. I live on North Sherman so I have a vested interest. Thanks very much. Eileen

  5. I have no idea. I was surprised as anyone to suddenly see the pumps gone, merchandise gone and now the removal of the tanks (I think). I recently reviewed the Citys draft Comp plan for the north side and there was no specific reference to that location.
